I mentioned yesterday that it’s Fall Festival time in Middle Earth this past week. While I should be leveling my minstrel, I’ve instead been running around the lands doing festival games. Like the pie-eating contest just outside Bree. You have to eat six pies and talk to the judge in less than a minute. The problem is that some pies take longer to eat than others and there’s no consistent way to distinguish been a time-intensive pastry and a low maintenance one. It took me three tries to finally win, thanks in no part to fellow contestants eating MY pies. In the end, I gained the title “Pie-eating Champion,” which I currently wear proudly. My minstrel’s a rather rotund dwarf, so the moniker is apt.
I also scored three out of the four available festival masks. The hobbit mask is a pumpkin jester cap, the dwarf a bucket, the human a beaver, and the elf a rabbit. I’ve only got the human mask left to earn. It takes twelve festival tokens and the relative mask token to buy one. That’s a lot of token farming, but it’s all good fun.
I recently received an email from Turbine advertising a +25% experience bonus this upcoming weekend in celebration for the rapidly approaching release of Mines of Moria. Woot!
I know what I’ll be doing this weekend.