I’ve been watching True Blood this fall season, but interest is slowly seeping out of me. To the show’s credit, it’s a novel twist on the vampire tradition—vampires engaged in human society. My problem is that the show is too much Harlequin Romance, not enough From Dusk Till Dawn. Bill, the main vampire character, loves Sookie, the mind reading human (Sookie? What the hell kind of name is that?) She loves him back, but the vampire thing keeps her from fully committing.
She’s so picky.
Most episodes revolve around their unrequited love. They spend minutes of the show pining for each other. I’m sure the chicks dig that part of the series, but it’s got me bored to blood-filled tears. I can’t endure vampire romance any more I can human. In fact, human romance is a lot less annoying because at least the female participant can’t whine about her boyfriend being the walking dead.
The preview for the next episode promised a bar fight between humans and vampires, so maybe things will pick up a bit. That bar owner broke a pool cue in half and lunged at a Eurotrash vamp, so I'm looking forward to some stakin' and bakin'. Unless Bill and Sookie ruin it making cow eyes at each other. Sookie got bit by Bill, so maybe she’s on the road to becoming a vampire herself. That’d be pretty cool, especially if things cooled between them and they started hating each other's stinkin' guts.