Monday, October 13, 2008

The Trollshaw Exception

I few weeks back, I bragged that getting anonymous fellowship help in LotRO was as easy as a bank getting bailed out by the U.S. government.

I take it all back.

My quest log holds a maximum of forty quests. I estimate that at least half in my log right now are fellowship quests that I can’t find groups for. And of those, too many are grayed out; I’ll get the reputation and reward, but little to no experience.

As a harsh consequence, Lukenbach’s leveling has been retarded. Fellowship quests often involve elite mobs, fully of juicy, yummy experience. Without them, I’ve had to grind a bit too much on Lukenbach to get him to his current 43rd level. I’ll grind if I have to, but it seems silly to do so when knocking out some of these fellowship quests would amount to at least half a level. If not more.

For this week, I’m going to try a new strategy: nothin’ but fellowships. I’m going to log in, travel to a zone full of fellowship quests, and then spam the Looking for Fellowship channel until I successfully complete the quests. I did that for Thief’s Bane in Evendim the other night, but with only two people, we couldn’t keep the three rangers alive through the entire instance. I’ve got fellowship quests spanning a number of zones now, including Evendim, North Downs, The Shire, and the Trollshaws.

It’ll be a long road to hoe.