I had to update iTunes the other day, a simple enough endeavor if not for the fact that Internet Explorer was rendered completely FUBAR'd after the patch. I have no idea what iTunes might have to do with IE, but I could not get Microsoft's browser to open links beyond a bookmarked site. Neither could I open the brower's preference link to further tinker. By way of Microsoft's surprisingly robust customer support knowledge base, I discovered a back door into IE's preference settings and the much needed factory reset that fixed my problem, but wiped out my cookies and bookmarks. It took me long enough to figure out the fix, I downloaded and tried out Firefox by way of retribution.
And now I'm almost exclusively using Mozilla's browser. I got some interface adjusting to do, but I already like some of the small things Firefox does differently, like password prompts and history bookmarks. Unless Firefox goes completely batshit on me, I'll likely make a new friend of it. I was almost livid with rage when IE busted on me (mixed with a generous helping of panic at being disconnected from the Internet), but perhaps it lead me to a better product.