I took my minstrel, Lukenbach, for a spin this morning and indeed he benefits greatly from LotRO's most recent patch. I was most pleased to find that Turbine switched Call of Fate from a level 60 skill to 56, making Lukenbach an instant qualifier. Call of Fate is a more robust version of Piercing cry, with high crit potential and the highest raw damage in a minstrel's arsenal.
So after training the Call of Fate, I took Lukenbach down to Gazatu-ru, the scene of much fleeing and death before Book 7. Deep in the central halls of Moria, Gazatu-ru crams mobs within feet of each other. Smart pulls are a must, without which soloing is impossible. Lukenbach needed to kill eighteen orcs in Gazatu-ru and before Book 7, he couldn't do it. Most pulls involve two mobs and frequently incur a third patroller. And as tight as space is in Moria, fleeing almost never succeeded.
This time around, however, Lukenbach easily dispatched two mobs at time. He even fended off ganks of a third mob, though often just barely. This patch bodes well, I think, for my bard. Couple that with the easement of xp restrictions and I'm getting even more inspired to level up Kammris and then work on my hobbit warden, Smaur.