Friday and Saturday nights, Archimonde, Bloodboil, and Reliquary of the Souls put Requiem over their collective knees and spanked some bare ass. It was a raiding disaster that brought grown men to tears and made women pull their hair out in shame.
Sunday night, Requiem returned to Black Temple for some much needed payback. The guild waltzed into BT and proceeded to one-shot Bloodboil like he was on farm (which, uh, he is). Reliquary took a couple good trial attempts and ultimately fell too. What we couldn’t do in five hours of raiding Saturday night we accomplished in less than two Sunday.
It’s strange how sometimes nothing seems to go right. It could be the raid composition that night. Or maybe the stars aren’t perfectly aligned. Or maybe people are just plain tired and more prone to making dumb mistakes. All I know is some raid nights, we seem unstoppable while others I don’t think we’re capable of downing Hogger. All that wiping has a silver lining though: I now know both the Bloodboil and ROS fights inside and out. And the day I pull aggro off Bloodboil again is the day I roll an alliance night elf huntard named “Ucanttouchthis.”