Lukenbach fought off the Watcher in the Black Pool last night. Upon finishing the Book, I got a minstrel class slot item, a teal medium armor headpiece, and access to the Mines of Moria. I spent just enough time in Moria to tag the stable hand before exiting immediately; I’ve got a ton left to do Eregion before I’ll return to Moria.
While questing, the flow of new gear pieces has been steady. But in the process of replacing key pieces, I managed to gimp Lukenbach. Before, he had around 2.4k health, 2k power. I’ve been selecting pieces that favor morale and might over will and fate. As a result, my in-combat power regeneration went from healthy and robust, to almost non-existent. Somewhere along the line, I shed too much will and fate and now I’m running out of power towards the end of fights.
It’s a problem easily fixed as I haven’t sold any of the old gear for just such a contingency. My goal is to strike a balance between morale and in and out-combat regeneration. Ideally, I’d like to be left with at least half power left at the end of average fights. Otherwise, I spend too much time waiting for out-combat regeneration to fill before my next pull.