I don't know what's funnier, Andrew Meyer's mewing plea to avoid hot voltage applied to his tender carcass or the fact that there are people out there making a case that free speech rights have been trampled. I'm going to go with mewing plea and hope that the cops tased him even more than the video shows.
Free speech in the United States has never, ever meant being able to say whatever you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want, for however long you want. If you think it does, I invite you to make your way to the nearest mall tomorrow and once inside, scream the f bomb as loud and as many times as you can, and when the authorities arrive to drag your ass to the parking lot for a good 'ole tasing, tell 'em they're infringing on your right to free speech and see how far that gets you.
Our prankster friend had more than a minute to grandstand in front of a U.S. Senator and an auditorium full of people, most of whom I'm guessing weren't in on his little joke. I guess someone decided playtime was over and made the call to have that attention whore yanked from his stage. Best not to gloss over the videotaped fact that Meyer resisted arrest; the officers didn't approach him with tasers drawn and buzzing. Meyer refused the escort and escalated the situation well past where it needed to go. I say tase him in his cell right now for muddying the issue of civil rights and sane free speech.