This past weekend, I split my meager gaming time between Lord of the Rings Online and The Witcher. LoTRO turned out to be a bit of a bust as I only got one fellowship quest done, Half-Orc Schemer. I completed much of inside Garth Argawen the weekend before, but getting a group together to finish the last boss in the instance, The Red-Maid, has proved difficult. I really need to try and get that done because the chest piece reward is suweet!
Unbelievably, I checked the date of my last saved game for The Witcher and it was stamped December 31, 2007. I had played the game solid for five days and then abandoned it for WoW. I picked up where I left off, pleasantly reminded on how fun the game is.
An old hag bedevils me though. I’m trying to tap Shani, a short-skirted honey that works in the Temple District hospital. Remember, this is the game where I get a naked trading card when I have carnal knowledge of a chick. I’ve got four naked cards so far and though I could play Geralt to behave like a gentleman, I instead try to nail anything and everything in sight.
Right now, my quest log says that Shani owes me one and that I should talk to her more often; I collected some herbs for her and apparently she’s very grateful.
I’m trying with all my might to test how grateful.
But when I try to visit her house at night, some old hag stops me at the door! Turns out she owns the place and Shani is renting out the upstairs. This wrinkled prune grills me at the door, never likes my answers, and always kicks me right back out. Sometimes I’m too drunk. Others I’m a mouthy scoundrel. Unfortunately, I’m never given a dialogue option to unsheathe my sword to permanently deal with the wrinkled prune, so my naked card of Shani remains tantalizingly out of reach.
Wifezilla overheard me swearing at the old hag and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was trying get to Shani’s room so I could hit that, but this old woman was David Hasselhoff’in me and I couldn’t score my fifth naked card. Frowning with disapproval, she asked to see my previously earned cards. I refused, citing gamer-game confidentiality. I also reminded her she bought me the game. For Christmas no less!
She left the room, even more disgusted with me than normal. If that’s possible.