I take back what I said about Mass Effect in the other day's blog. Well, not about it being a shooter because it is. Though not like Half Life 2 or Quake or Halo 3. It's really a hybrid, where your stat abilities also factor in to whether you hit or not. Sure, you've got to ballpark aim your reticle at the target. But it's not the mad strafing, reflex-based cacophony that is your standard Team Fortress fare.
I realized something while playing Mass Effect these last few days, about the importance of sticking with a game longer than a half hour. My game play attention span has been frantically ADD lately. I play a game and then start thinking about another game. I recall how cool and fun it is. I'm playing scant attention to the plot or mechanics of the current game I'm playing and all too often lose interest and stop playing.
A solid few hours with Mass Effect dug the game's claws in to me and held. I was able to the see the small details of the plot and the larger story it had to tell. I soon found myself zooming from planet to planet, fulfilling side quests and following the main story thread. I'm on track to finish the game in the days/weeks to come. After that, the sky is the limit. Meaning digging out titles like Oblivion, Titan Quest, and The Witcher, and seeing those to the end too.
Because who reads just half of a book?