Friday, February 1, 2008

January Guild Names of the Month (Now with More Drama!)

I wanted to get this posted by the end of the month, but obviously missed that deadline. Nevertheless, here's my picks for January 2008, all Silvermoon related:

Pit of Infamy

--Show Me Yer Crits--

I will if you show me your wit.

Beacon of Reasoned Judgement

--Hellfire Templars--

Because anything with "Templars" in it sounds good.


WoW Silvermoon Thread of the Month

This ones goes to the original poster, Rubee, who recently started a thread in the WoW Silvermoon forums explaining to everyone (even people that have never heard of her, like me) that she isn't a drama queen anymore, that she was a victim before and now she's not, and that a whole bunch of people are the real dram queens, not her . . . or him . . . or . . . I'm not sure. Why? Because subsequent posts explode into heated drama, mostly from her . . . or him . . . or I'm not sure and somewhere along the way, Rubee reveals she's a hermaphrodite. Her posts and the revelations inside them are so random, I can't help but believe they're true. And even if they're not, the thread is still a recreational read. I can't link it at the moment because I'm at work, but I think the thread's title is something like, "Grow up Silvermoon."

On a side note, Rubee recently quit her guild, --Chaos and Mayhem--, amid some typical soap-opera antics and name-calling, but I looked her up on the Armory and she's a reasonably well-geared shadow priest. I've forwarded her name to Requiem's guild leader as my possible replacement because surely a drama-queen hermaphrodite is a better raider than a nub who forgets to train spells.