Friday, March 28, 2008

Better Late Than Never?

Just a mere year and a half after most of the WoW community got theirs, Emanee finally scored this:

What's that you say? About time? Nice job, loser? Yeah, I got one of those too . . . like a decade ago?

Actually, I have to agree with all those sentiments. I can console myself by riding the second coolest mount in the game. The first, the PvP raptor, will soon be mine as well.

Emanee is also nearly done grinding honor for that trinket. Just 1.7k left. Not bad for a week's worth.


Anonymous said...

Nice job, loser! :P


Emily said...

Chala has had her black wolf for a while now, but no white wolf for her. Congrats!

James Thomson said...


I accidently left the comment option open and look what happned :p

Hello Elfy and Chala!