Sensei: James, what is best in life?
Me: To fine your patrons, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the illiterate.
I've been interviewing for various high school library positions in my district since late January. The first was to open a brand new library, set to open for the first time this August. I didn't get that position, but after I found out which of my peers did, well, let's just say I would have chosen that person over me too.
But that wasn't the only opening available. My district is growing so quickly, it's actually launching two high schools simultaneously this August. That's almost completely unheard of. A veteran librarian is opening that other new school, which created an opening at her current school.
I interviewed for that position last week and found out today that I got it.
So as you can plainly see, I AM Conan the Librarian.
Now, what to do about that Thulsa Doom . . .