While I have power, a good three-quarters of the Houston metro area does not. Most school districts in the area cancelled school through Friday. If power isn't restored to these areas, I imagine the districts will remain closed.
Galveston is turning out to be a true disaster zone. Hundreds of homes were completely annihilated, while the rest experienced storm surge flooding and high winds. Some fifteen thousand residents remain on the island but I heard talk today of martial law being declared to forcibly remove them. With no sewer, water, or food, the island is uninhabitable for a residential community.
For my family and I, quality of life is good. We already cleaned up the mess in our yard. I removed the fallen fence and Wifezilla raked and bagged all the storm debris. It's piled neatly at the curb; I estimate it will take quite a few days until it's picked up. Yesterday, Wifezilla braved the streets looking for a stocked grocery store. Her regular Kroger had a big sign hanging out front listing all the items they didn't have, including perishables, water, and ice. I redirected her to another grocery store. While listening to the radio, I had heard of it re-opening and hoped it had received recent shipments. Its lot was so full, Wifezilla couldn't even pull in. Fortuitously enough, Randall's was immediately across the street. The store had recently received a truck and the employees were opening boxes in the middle of the aisles and allowing customers to pull right from them. She got most everything we needed, including milk and ground beef. We're good for food until Sunday. By then, most grocery stores should be mostly provisioned. I hope.
In the meantime, I've been jamming away on Rock Band 2 and the demo to King's Bounty. More about them later.