Just weeks after I took the plunge and went with a HD DVD player, the major backers of the aforementioned format appear to be abandoning it in favor of Blue-ray. Just a month ago, the two formats were dead-locked, but now it appears that Blu-ray will emerge victorious.
Why in the hell couldn't this have all gone down last month? It's like the executives at the major studios got a memo that James Thomson of Houston, Texas purchased a HD DVD player, so it was time to switch to Blu-ray.
I imagine holiday sales had much to do with the HD DVD death-knell. But I saw no indication from any media source that Blu-ray was so close to eminent victory. If I had even a hint that Sony was winning, I would have went with their player. As it was, I chose HD DVD over Blu-ray because multiple sources cited the former as the superior format because of its cheaper production costs and studio support. I also shied away from Sony because they are the originators of Betamax, and we all know how that ended.
It's not the end of the world or anything. My Toshiba displays normal DVDs in near-HD. I never intended to purchase HD DVDs, but instead rent them for Netflix. Blu-ray players are $300 right now, a price point that should go down when Sony finalizes its dominance and their format mainstreams.
Still, the timing is aggravating. And slighty dangerous to my health: Wifezilla is going to kill me when she finds out.