You read it here first folks.
Of those first five bosses, all of them were one-shotted except Leo, who wiped the raid on the first attempt at 12%. But he grew more compliant the second attempt, with a little aggressive coaxing on our part.
Lady Vashj proved a tough nut to crack coming off last week's first successful killing. It was the striders, once again. I think the guild had some trouble with the cores too. Emanee is getting better at strider duty. She avoids fearing and has her strider dps at 700+, which is pretty good considering how mobile the fight is. But we had more success when one of our elemental shammies kited the strider. Certainly, we need to get skilled enough at the fight where we can be more flexible with who kites the striders. But we're still pretty new at this boss and need more practice.
We also tackled Kael'thas this past weekend. Kael is a fun and active fight, with five (count them!) phases. We reached the start of phase four a couple of times and managed to get Kael down to around 90%. That's far from killing him, but we're getting there. Kael will be dead in weeks.