It's the darling of the press and the reporters on G4, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, especially adore it. But I don't see any game play in LittleBigPlanet. The game's website does little to shed any light on what makes this a game. It says, "LittleBigPlanet is a unique game combining an amazing platform adventure with a huge social community enabling consumers to play, create and share their gaming."
That's about as clear as mud.
I wouldn't normally give a rat's ass about game like this if it weren't for the fact that people are ravenously anticipating it. I look at the video game play and ask myself, "Sweet Jesus, WHY?" Awww, but look, the little avatars are so cute! Uh huh. Unless another side of the game produces the ability to rocket-explode those cute little avatars into tiny, bloody, meaty pieces, than I want nothing to do with it.
And by the way, Spore's ability to "create and share their gaming" led to an explosion of penis themed creatures. Some merely hinted the phallic. Others eschewed the subtle and told the world, "I made a creature and it has penises. See?" And still others were so covered in penises, it was the equivalent of having one whack you in the face.
For some of us, that's not good.