Because I think I just fainted. Gamespot is reporting that Bioware's long-rumored-but-never-revealed MMO may be . . . KoTOR 3!
Oh please, please, please let this be true.
Knights of the Old Republic is one of my all-time favorite games. It's definitely my most favorite Star Wars title ever. And I think there's solid traction for this rumor. I've heard rumblings that LucasArts is most displeased with Star Wars: Galaxies. And if that title's subscriber count has really sunk to the cellar depths of 20,000 peeps, it can't be long for this world.
I'm going to keep my fingers crossed from here on out until Bioware's MMO is officially announced. Starting now.
Seriously, fingers crossed 24/7 until an announcement.
How am I typing this blog if my fingers are crossed? Easy. I'm smashing my face against the keyboard. I have to do a lot of backspacing corrections, but it gets the job done.