Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is Obama a Stealth Nerd?

In the latest issue of Time, Joel Stein wrote about Barack and the “Urkel Effect.” Joel theorizes that Obama may be cool on the surface, but that really he’s a closest nerd. He quotes another writer, Benjamin Nugent, from his book American Nerd: The Story of My People. Of Barack Obama, McCain, and Palin, Nugent writes,

“He [Obama] would be the guy the jocks didn’t choose to towel-snap, but he would kind of stand there looking disapproving while they towel-snapped. Whereas McCain would be more likely to towel-snap you, and Sarah Palin would make out with the guy who towel-snapped you.”

I can imagine Obama sternly glowering at gratuitous towel-snapping and wedgie wrenching just as easily as I can Palin making out with the school’s varsity quarterback. Hell, I'd snap a dork’s ass beet red if it led to a shot at Palin.

She’s hot.