I cleared out that nest of deathclaws for nothing the other day. Turns out Old Olney’s grocery store got wiped out during the nuclear exchange, or in the turmoil immediately following it. The shipment of Nuka-cola Quantum never reached Old Olney to begin with, however. The abandoned truck rested jack-knifed a couple clicks to the east of the town. It had largely been looted, but I snagged a half-dozen Quantums. I’m only mildly bitter that I didn’t need to get my head ripped off a thousand times over.
I made my way to Paradise Falls last night. It’s a slave enclave and I had to pay 500 caps to gain egress. After I scoped the place out, I promptly gunned down the slave leader Entropy and his two slave women bodyguards. This turned the entire town’s slaver army against me and I thoroughly enjoyed the ensuing gun battle.