I fancy me some history, mostly because I don't want to be doomed to repeat it.
No, that's not true. I like me some history because truth is almost stranger than fiction. And the Mental Floss History of the World is a great book for the panoramic view of world history.
It's starts at the very, very, very beginning and goes all the way up to the modern age, with an appendix devoted to . . . Canada!
This isn't your dad's history book. Nope, this book is informative and funny. Which makes it also entertaining. Take the author's chronicle of when the Assyrians combined horseback riding with firing a bow and arrow: "When the Assyrians picked up on this skill, bad things happened to their neighbors."
I most appreciate the Special Report: Mediterranean Fight League, composed of four distinctive rounds. Round 1: Greeks versus Persians; 2: Greeks versus Persians (rematch); 3: Greek versus Greeks (the Greeks turned out to be their own worst enemy. Sound familiar?); and 4: Alexander versus Everyone.
Good stuff, that.